Shared-Use Equipment Center (SUEC) “Research of Nanostructured, Carbon and Superhard Materials” was founded in 2004. The center is a part of the Russian SUEC network. As a subdivision of FSBI TISNCM - the head quarter of direction “Constructional Nanomaterials” of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Nanoindustry Infrastructure in 2008-2010”, SUEC became a part of National Nanotechnology network.
Research areas are focused on superhard and carbon materials, including nanostructured materials. As a matter of priority SUEC provides access to research and technological equipment for participants of Federal Target Programs and of the National Nanotechnology network. Access to SUEC facilities can be gained according to “Regulations for access to nonstructural industry facilities in the field of substances and materials diagnostic systems (research, tests and measurements) as a part of SUEC”.
1. Section of Structural Measurements in the Laboratory in the Department of Structural Research.
2. Section of Electro-physical Measurements in the Laboratory of Physical Properties of Nanostructures.
3. Section of Mechanical Measurements in the Department of Physical and Mechanical Properties Research.
4. Section of Thermo-physical Measurements in the Department of Functional and Constructional Nanomaterials.
5. Section of Thermo-baric Treatment of Materials in the Laboratory of New Superhard Material Synthesis.
6. Section of CVD Materials in the Department of Single Crystal Growth.
SUEC uses all infrastructure of the Institute, including Department of Material and Technical Supply, Scientific-Organizational Department, Department of Metrology and Standardization, Department of Investment programs and International Activities, telecommunication network, pilot production and other Engineering and Support Services. Equipment maintenance expenses are to be paid both by the Institute and by organizations, which use equipment for research funded with money for this research.