Laboratory for Functional Nanomaterials

Laboratory Head, Dr. Mikhail Popov

Research areas

  • New carbon materials, including nanostructured and modified by carbon nanoclusters materials;
  • Material science, solid state physics, high pressure physics, mechanics of solids, superhard materials and ceramics;
  • Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanocluster-based materials and composites;
  • Transport properties of solids.


  • Discovery of synthesis of ultrahard fullerite with a catalytic 3D polymerization reaction of C60;
  • A conception development of nanostructured and modified by fullerene C60 materials which properties are determined by C60 concentration, grain size of nanocrystals and bonding between one and C60;
  • A development of materials with essentially perfected transport and mechanical properties;
  • Developed materials and synthesis procedures are designed for industry.

A catalytic synthesis of ultrahard fullerite

Pressure of ultrahard fullerite synthesis is decreased by a factor of 2 in the presence of a catalyst. Thus, pressure decreases from 18 to 6-7 GPa under conditions of large plastic deformation at room temperature; upon temperature increasing the synthesis pressure further decreases.

Diamond anvils deformed during synthesis of superhard fullerite: (a) general view of the anvil, (b) × 3000

a) Photos of Vickers indenter made from ultrahard fullerite

b) Indentations images produced by this indenter on (111) face of nitrogen-free (nitrogen concentration 0.3 ppm) diamond under indenter load 3N (up image)
and 2 N (down image).
     а)                                 b)  

Nanostructured and modifi ed by fullerene C60 metals

A theoretical shear-strength limit for nanostructured and modified by C60 aluminum is achieved.

The dependence of hardness of nanostructured and modified by C60 aluminum upon grain size. Maximal hardness H of Al-C60 is 7 GPa which appropriates to yield stress τ* ≈ 0.33 H ≈ 2 GPa. The theoretical shear-strength limit of aluminum is τ*theor ≈ G/(10-15) ≈ 2 GPa also (shear module of aluminum G = 27 GPa)

Nanostructured and modified by carbon nanoclusters thermoelectric materials based on Bi2Te3 and Si-Ge

  • Synthesized nanocomposites consists of nanocrystals of thermoelectric material covered by layers of C60 molecules or other carbon nanoclusters show high figure of merit (ZT) values.
  • The carbon layers in the composites prevent recrystallization of nanocrystals during sintering.
  • Discovery of a modulation of electron transport properties (Seebeck coefficient S, electrical conductivity σ, mobility μ) by quantum confinement effect.
  • Figure of merit ZT = S2σT/k increases by 20% as a result of independent variation of the parameters S, σ, k in the nanocomposites.

(a) - Samples of sintered nanostructured thermoelectric based on Si-Ge;
(b) - TEM image of nanostructured Si-Ge alloy with mean grain size 10-20 nm;
(c) - nanocrystals Bi-Sb-Te covered by С60.


M. Popov (Cand.Sc.) – Head of the Laboratory
D. Ovsyannikov (junior researcher)
О. Ponomarev (research assistant)
М. Alekseev (research assistant)
D. Burtsev (laboratory assistant)

Publications of Laboratory of Functional Nanomaterials

2009 - 2014:

  • M. Popov, B. Kulnitskiy, and V. Blank, Superhard materials based on fullerenes and nanotubes. In: Comprehensive hard materials , ed. V.K. Sarin (Editor-in-Chief) and C.E. Nebel (Vol.Ed.), (Elsevier, 2014) pp. 515-538., total 1800p. ISBN: 9780080965277
  • M. Popov, V. Mordkovich, S. Perfilov, A. Kirichenko, B. Kulnitskiy, I. Perezhogin, V. Blank. Synthesis of ultrahard fullerite with a catalytic 3D polymerization reaction of C60, Carbon 76, 250-256 (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2014.04.075,, Impact factor 6,350
  • M. Popov, R. Gayazov, F. Khadzhiyskiy, V. Medvedev, V. Krivtsun, A. Kirichenko, B. Kulnitskiy, I. Perezhogin, E. Tyukalova, and V. Blank. C60 three-dimensional polymerization by impulse heating effect. Journal of Applied Physics 115, 153506(1-5) (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4871777,, Impact factor 2.210
  • G S Bezruchko, S V Razorenov and M Y Popov. The influence of the admixture of the fullerene C60 on the strength properties of aluminum and copper under shock-wave loading. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 500, 112008(1-6) (2014), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/500/11/112008
  • Г.С. Безручко, С.В. Разоренов, М.Ю. Попов. Влияние добавки фуллерена C60 на прочностные свойства нанокристаллической меди и алюминия при ударно-волновом нагружении. Журнал технической физики, 2014, том 84, вып. 3, с. 69-74,,, Impact factor 0.552
  • Овсянников Д.А., Попов М.Ю., Буга С.Г., Кириченко А.Н., Тарелкин С.А., Аксененков В.В. Влияние нанофрагментирования и модификации фуллереном германия на транспортные свойства нанокомпозита Ge-С60. ХИМИЯ И ХИМИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ том 56 вып. 7, 63-67 (2013)
  • V.A. Kulbachinskii, V.G. Kytin, M.Yu. Popov, S.G. Buga, P.B. Stepanov, V.D. Blank. Composites of Bi2–xSbxTe3 nanocrystals and fullerene molecules for thermoelectricity. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 193, 64-70 ( 2012) , DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2012.03.065 Impact factor 2.040.
  • Kulbachinskii V., Kytin V., Popov M., Buga S., Blank V., Stepanov P.THERMOELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF NANOSTRUCTURED BI-SB-TE DOPED WITH C 60 AIP Conference Proceedings "9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, ECT 2011" 2012. С. 283-286 DOI: 10.1063/1.4731552
  • М.Ю. Попов, В.Д. Бланк. Механические свойства сверхтвердых и ультратвердых материалов на основе углеродных нанокластеров. Все материалы. Энциклопедический справочник. 2012, №8, стр. 43-48.
  • V. D. Blank, S. G. Buga, V. A. Kulbachinskii, V. G. Kytin, V. V. Medvedev, M. Yu. Popov, P. B. Stepanov, and V. F. Skok. Thermoelectric properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/C60 nanocomposites. Physical Review B 86, 075426 (2012) , DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.075426 Impact factor 3.767.
  • Д. А. Овсянников, М.Ю. Попов, С. Г. Буга, В. В. Аксененков, А. Н. Кириченко, Р. Л. Ломакин, С. А. Тарелкин, Е. В. Татьянин, В. Д. Бланк. Электрические свойства наноструктурированного германия и нанокомпозитов Ge-C60. ТРУДЫ МФТИ. — 2012. — Том 4, № 3, стр. 36-43.
  • А.А Замешин, М.Ю. Попов, В. В. Медведев, С. А. Перфилов, Р. Л. Ломакин, С. Г. Буга, В. Н. Денисов, А. Н. Кириченко, Е. В. Татьянин, В. В. Аксененков, В. Д. Бланк. Электропроводность нанофрагментированного и модифицированного фуллереном алюминия. ТРУДЫ МФТИ. — 2012. — Том 4, № 3, стр. 74-84.
  • A. Zameshin, M. Popov, V. Medvedev, S. Perfilov, R. Lomakin, S. Buga, V. Denisov, A. Kirichenko, E. Skryleva, E. Tatyanin, V. Aksenenkov , V. Blank. Electrical conductivity of nanostructured and C60-modified aluminum. Applied Physics A, 107 (2012), 863-869, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-012-6805-x Impact factor 1.545.
  • V. V. Medvedev, M. Y. Popov, B. N. Mavrin, V. N. Denisov, A. Kirichenko, E. V. Tat’yanin, L. A. Ivanov, V. V. Aksenenkov, S. A. Perfilov, R. Lomakin and V.D. Blank. Cu–C60 nanocomposite with suppressed recrystallization. Applied Physics A, 105 (2011), 45-48. DOI: 10.1007/s00339-011-6544-4 (2011) , Impact factor 1.545.
  • Popov M., Buga S., Vysikaylo Ph., Stepanov P., Tatyanin E., Medvedev V., Denisov V., Kirichenko A., Aksenenkov V., Skok V., Blank V. C60-doping of nanostructured Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectrics. Phys. Status Solidi A, 208 (2011), 2783–2789, DOI 10.1002/pssa.201127075 , Impact factor 1.469
  • В.А. Кульбачинский, В.Г. Кытин, В.Д. Бланк, С.Г. Буга, М.Ю. Попов. Термоэлектрические свойства нанокомпозитов теллурида висмута с фуллеренами. Физика и техника полупроводников, 2011, том 45, вып. 9, 1241-1245 (Semiconductors, 45 (2011), 1194-1198 DOI: 10.1134/S1063782611090132 Impact factor 0.600.
  • M. Popov, V. Medvedev, V. Blank, V. Denisov, A. Kirichenko, E. Tat'yanin, V. Aksenenkov, S. Perfilov, R. Lomakin, E. D'yakov, and V. Zaitsev Fulleride of aluminum nanoclusters. Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (2010) 094317, DOI: 10.1063/1.3505757 Impact factor 2.210.
  • M. Popov. Stress-induced phase transitions in diamond. High Pressure Research 30 (2010), 670–678, DOI: 10.1080/08957959.2010.525510 Impact factor 0.901.
  • Patent RU2504858, 20.01.2014, priority 07.07.2011. Автоэмиссионный катод. Бормашов В.С., Волков А.П., Буга С.Г., Попов М.Ю., Перфилов С.А., Лупарев Н.В., Кондрашов К.В., Ломакин Р.Л., Медведев В.В.
  • Patent RU2474010, 20.09.2011, priority 09.03.2010. Нанокомпозитный термоэлектрик и способ его получения. Попов М.Ю., Высикайло Ф.И., Буга С.Г., Бланк В.Д., Денисов В.Н., Кириченко А. Н., Кульбачинский В.А., Кытин В.Г., Пивоваров Г.И.
  • Patent EP 2322475 Method of synthesis of a fulleride of metal nano-cluster and material comprising a fulleride of metal nano-cluster. M. Popov, G. Pivovarov, V. Blank, 18.05.2011, priority 17.11.2009.
  • Patent EP2248195, US73598108 M. Popov, G. Pivovarov, E. Tat'yanin, V. Blank. Thermoelectric nanocomposite, method for making the nanocomposite and application of the nanocomposite. 10.11.2010, priority 29.02.2008 (Patent application WO 2009/110815)